"Nel bel mese di maggio"
Art Exhibition
"Nel bel mese di maggio"
Contemporary Art exhibition of spatula Painting.
Villa Calvanese, Lanzara di Castel San Giorgio, Italy
May 1 - 26, 2024
This represents the second stage of the year 2024 for the Stratigraphic Movement.
Villa Calvanese.
The luxurious palatial villa once owned by the wealthy Calvanese family was built in the second half of the 18th century by Carmine Calvanese, the family's patriarch and the true source of their fame and wealth. A skilled builder and designer, he had the fortune of meeting Luigi Vanvitelli at the Bourbon court, earning his respect and friendship. As a gesture of admiration, Vanvitelli, without compensation, created the complete design for the new grand palatial house in Lanzara with a "garden of delights," signing the colored plans with his original Dutch surname, "van Wittel."